Need affordable marketing in Lafayette, Indiana? Pick me!

Need affordable marketing in Lafayette, Indiana? Pick me!

Hey small businesses! If you’re looking for affordable marketing services in Lafayette, Indiana… you should totally pick me.

Here’s why!

1. Consultants are way cheaper than agencies

I’m just going to say it up front: I’m more affordable than marketing agencies. I’ve got low overhead, focus on a few “best fit” clients, and also — as a small business — understand that you don’t want to be locked into long-term contracts with folks who focus more on billing hours than tangible outcomes.


I can also afford to be cheaper because I’ve honed in on a few marketing tactics I’m really, really good at & are effective for Lafayette businesses. I’m not trying to spread myself thin & do everything. I focus on:

  • SEO (AKA getting your content seen on Google without paying a lot in ads)

  • Newsletters (I’ll help you strategize, raise open rates, get more subs, and even write them)

  • Audits & strategy (get another set of eyeballs on your site & tactical, actionable strategies you can implement in little time)

  • Website refreshes (modernize your site and make it make sense to your audience)

Plus, I just love you more because I’m working one-on-one with my clients. I promise you won’t get lost in the shuffle of a busy agency with tons of clients because I’m working with just a few cool folks at a time!

2. I’m a business of one — I understand your strategies need to be cheap and easy

Going with a marketing agency is all well and good if you have a lot of budget or a ton of marketing needs. Maybe someday you’ll need them! But in my experience, an in-house employee (or a freelance marketing consultant if you can’t afford a full-time employee) knows the brand better and gets work done more effectively.

If you want to throw money at ads, I’m not the marketing strategist for you. If you want relatively simple, super-actionable, effective marketing strategy that you or I can do a few hours/week… I am the marketing strategist for you.

You are: a business owner despairing over your low website traffic, refreshing your business Instagram with no clear reason why, and/or staring in fear at a blank newsletter.

You need: someone to help you get over the fear-hurdle of creating good, meaningful online content - and who doesn’t come with agency pricing or strategies small businesses can't possibly keep up with.

💕 for accessible/affordable digital marketing strategy 💕

3. I’ve got good reference game

I love working with mission-driven businesses and non-profits to create amazing content that brings eyeballs 👀 and I like doing a superior job. I’m an organized, well-researched marketing strategist … so you don’t have to be!

Here’s just a few references from previous clients:



“I've worked with Polly for 2+ years. She is knowledgeable, fast, and an expert in marketing for small businesses. I love working with her!”


Let’s talk about affordable marketing in Lafayette, Indiana

While I don’t just work with brands in Lafayette, Indiana (I’ve got clients in Oregon, New York, and Canada!), I love getting to work face-to-face with cool small businesses in my area. So if you’re looking for an affordable marketing strategy in Lafayette, Indiana… Let’s talk. You can learn more about what I do or just ask a question in the form below:


How to do a 1-hour brand audit as a small business